Quality Dental Treatment in Margate, FL
At Family Dental Associates, we're proud to provide high quality dental treatment in a fun, friendly, and professional office environment. Our doctors and expert team of highly trained dental specialists work hard to treat every patient individually, designing specialized treatment plans that perfectly suit their unique dental needs and lifestyle. While we aim for preventive care at our office, sometimes it's necessary to extract a tooth for the overall health of the smile - and when that happens, we're here to help.
General Extractions
Tooth extraction is the complete removal of a tooth, including its root. While we try to avoid extractions, there are some situations where it's necessary:
- A primary tooth is blocking a permanent tooth from erupting
- The tooth has suffered irreparable damage from decay or trauma
- The patient has severe gum disease
- The tooth is impacted (generally this applies to wisdom teeth)
Depending on the severity of the problem, we may recommend either surgical or non-surgical extraction. In either case, we'll apply mild anesthesia as necessary to ensure you're comfortable.
Wisdom Teeth
While wisdom teeth are technically the third set of molars and can be fully functional in some patients, most patients don't have room for them in their mouth. This causes the wisdom teeth to become impacted - a condition where they grow in the wrong direction (sometimes completely horizontally). In general, extraction is the best treatment for impacted wisdom teeth, as the wisdom teeth don't offer much benefit to the function or look of the smile. The process for wisdom teeth extraction is fairly simple:
- First, we'll administer an anesthetic to ensure you're comfortable during the procedure
- We'll carefully pull the wisdom teeth from their sockets. In severe cases, we may actually have to break the wisdom teeth before removing them - but don't worry, you won't feel a thing.
- After removing them, we'll close the hole they leave behind.
During the recovery process, you'll have to be careful to clean the empty socket thoroughly with water. We'll give you detailed instructions at the appointment.
Contact Your Margate, FL Cosmetic Dentists
Have more questions about wisdom teeth or tooth extraction? We're always happy to help. Feel free to call us at 954-973-0990, reach out to us at our contact page, to schedule an appointment at our Margate, FL office. We can't wait to hear from you, and we look forward to helping you achieve and maintain a beautiful, healthy smile!