The happiest moment for orthodontic patients is the day that they get their braces removed; however, this does not mean that this beautiful new smile will last forever. Getting your braces off is just the start of having your teeth stay in the best position possible. No matter what treatment options were provided or how perfectly aligned your teeth are, the next step for retention is wearing your retainer.
The holidays are quickly approaching and that means an abundance of sweets and treats to go around. It is difficult to say "no" to hot cocoa, homemade gingerbread, or candy canes, so it should come as no surprise that during this time the likelihood of cavities and tooth decay increase. At Family Dental Associates, we want you to enjoy your holidays without worrying about oral health issues and focus on what's important (hanging out with family and friends). Therefore, we want to provide as much information as possible to our patients, so that you can make informed decisions about your dental health.
Once again Fall has rolled around and it's time once more to begin to look at the Halloween season from a dental/orthodontic perspective. That's right, it's National Orthodontic Awareness month, and we'll be going over it's history and what this means to you as an orthodontic patient.